Mary and I have been bouncing around the idea of cooperating on some sort of publication for months. I've emailed out a few issues of something I've called Denver When & Where, a name we both like.
The idea is to be a central source of information about where to go in Denver for education and entertainment events. I've done a local TV show and radio show for this purpose in the past, we might go back on the air together once we get an internet presence.
Mary's a great writer, I've had lots of experience trying to get the word out about events, seminars and workshops I've produced or marketed, promoting concerts and performances, etc. So I know we can do this, and I know there is a real need. I don't need to do market research, the need is clear from my own experience, which Amar Bhide says is the gut feel that is behind most successful new businesses.
Today's the day. I've read through Wikinomics, registered for a trial site with SocialText, and started this blog.
A wiki seems the way to go on this, get peer production on all sections, which at this point I envision as:
Denver Calendars-- Links to the other calendars now being produced by newspapers and others. There are lots of these, not always easy to find.
What Do You Want to Do Tonight-- Peoples ideas about great things to do TONIGHT. This is sometimes very hard to find in traditional publications, they tend to be forward looking so they can sell more advertising.
How Was it for You? Peer produced reviews of events.
Planning Ahead. Things on the horizon that require reservations and that might sell out.
Tours. Group trips around the US and around the world originating in Denver.
When & Where in Other Cities. Links to sites like ours in other places.
All this is subject to change. Social Text should approve our wiki in the next day, we can start posting. First step will be finalizing the above sections, explaining the sections, and then posting an entry or two to prime the pump. Once we are happy with it, we can start inviting others.
How will we make money? Ads on the site, ads on a simple print publication we'll use to promote the site, and maybe from events we'll produce and/or market. Should be fun!
But let's not quit (or stop looking for) our day job yet.
What do you think, Mary? I'm off to dinner and then my Wednesday night meeting.